Create & Learn
Coding for Kids

Coding for Kids

Coding for kids is so much fun and a critical skill to equip students for future success! Because their developing brains are made for absorbing information and learning, children pick up new languages more easily than adults. Learning to program helps kids develop critical thinking skills and creativity.

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Coding for Kids

Furthermore, coding is great to learn because it is beginning to become a critical workforce skill. Today 87% of parents believe Computer Science is at least as important as math and English according to a Gallup report. Our progressive world is always looking for students who are well-versed in technology to solve real world problems.
What is coding for kids?

Coding for kids is the process of giving a computer instructions. Humans can tell computers what to do through the language of code. It is important to learn code since it is becoming an integral part of the global economy! We can make games with code, program robots, and even train chatbots how to talk. Popular tools that use code are Alexa, self-driving cars, and chat bots. You can teach your kids to code using popular websites and resources like Scratch or by signing up for Create & Learn's online coding classes.

Why coding classes for kids work

Basic programming for kids does not need to be hard or intimidating. Kids should learn code through creation, design, and gamification of the process. The best way for kids to learn code is by actually doing the code themselves. It is vital to try, make mistakes, and then learn from those mistakes throughout the design process. Coding can be learned through classes, through one-on-one mentoring, or through utilizing independent learning.

Online coding courses are excellent because your child will have an expert at their fingertips to coach them through the rigorous process, and answer questions as they go. Coding can be intimidating so having a mentor in a fun environment is crucial to maintaining a child’s interest while building confidence in the process. Oftentimes, the teacher makes all the difference and without a strong mentor, children will feel discouraged.

Create & Learn has excellent coding options depending on the age, interest, and level of your child. Your child can start out in a basic coding class to introduce the concepts if they are new to the idea. Or, your child can be placed in classes to program games and highly complex animations. It is truly dependent on the individual child which is why Create & Learn is such a popular choice. The options are endless!

The best coding courses

Computer coding for kids should be fun. The best coding classes for kids will deliver options, levels, and engaging experiences at a reasonable price point. Another indicator of a good class is the ability to see the credentials of the teachers. Some companies require teachers to have extensive training to participate, which is the mark of a truly special program. Here are a few popular subject areas for kids coding courses:

  • Best Scratch coding classes: Introduce your child to coding with the most beginner-friendly language in fun online classes led live by expert teachers. This program designed by MIT uses a drag-and-drop coding interface that's super kid friendly.
  • Best Minecraft coding classes for kids: As the best-selling video game of all time, Minecraft has a broad appeal to many kids (and even adults). Check out some of the best Minecraft coding classes for kids, some of which are even free.
  • Best Python classes for kids and teens: Python is a high-level, yet beginner-friendly coding language used every day by companies such as Netflix, Facebook, and Google. It's one of the most popular programming languages for middle schoolers and high schoolers to learn. So check out the best Python classes for kids and teens.
  • Best Roblox coding classes for kids and teens: Create your own Roblox world and games using Roblox Studio with coding! Explore free and paid class options.
  • Best web design courses for kids: With an understanding of HTML, CSS, and Javascript, students can create amazing things. Explore some great web design classes that are free and paid.
Create & Learn's coding for kids
Create & Learn classes are super engaging due to the nature of the curriculum. Kids are constantly provided entry points to engage, have open ended discussions with teachers and other students, and create anything they desire to make. This is a unique experience that many companies do not offer. The dynamic elements of the Create & Learn program make it one of the best. Get started with free coding classes.

Start With Free Classes

Join top-rated kids coding classes

Our small group free coding classes, live online experience, and awesome teachers set every child up for success. Discover the magic in technology and have fun when you get started today.

Check Out Classes by Grade

Choose grade level to find the best classes for your child

Grades 2-4
Grades 2-4

Coding For Kids Camps

Enjoy fun online coding camps. Learn everything from beginner coding to game development (Roblox and Minecraft!), and even advanced coding such as Python and Java! Designed by Google and Stanford experts, and taught by experienced US-based teachers, Create & Learn computer science camps have been recognized by HulaFrog and parents worldwide as the Most Loved Virtual STEM program and won the Best of ActivityHero Award.

Summer Camps

What's New In Coding For Kids

Explore fun free events featuring tech experts from top companies including Pixar, NASA, Intel, Google, and more that teach how they use computer science in daily life.

Frequently Asked Coding For Kids Questions

What’s the best coding for beginners?

The best coding for beginners focuses on non-intimidating entry points for children. It should not be too technical but rather organic in the approach. Interdisciplinary learning is an excellent way to engage newcomers with coding without scaring them away. Using a block-based language like Scratch can make coding more accessible for kids. Scratch Junior is great for students in K-2 grades; Scratch Ninjais a great place to begin for 2nd to 4th graders; while Accelerated Scratch is an excellent starting place for older children.

What are coding for kids online options?

There are many options for coding websites for kids. Scratch by MIT is an excellent website to start with. It is gamified and design based which provides a fun element to the steep learning curve. Here are some of the best coding platforms for kids.

What are coding games for kids?

Sometimes games can make learning coding more fun, and they can be a great supplemental learning activity in addition to live online classes. Today there are a few kids coding games to chose from. Many parents have their students begin with Scratch, Code Monkey, and Blockly. Here's a handy list of free coding games for kids to explore.

What are coding for kids tools and resources?

Many coding apps on the market are dynamic, fun, and have multi-tiered options for the various levels of coders out there. For learners who prefer a self-paced and independent learning approach, distraction-sensitive learners or those with limited internet access, check out some of the best coding books for kids.

What types of coding can kids learn?
Choose from 35+ incredible computer science topics to unlock your child's curiosity today!
  • Artificial intelligence for kids: Learn all about artificial intelligence, and how computers can be programmed to learn. Explore fun examples such as Netflix, video games, and self-driving cars.
  • Cloud computing for kids: Explore cloud computing and find out how your favorite websites and apps are able to reach billions of people around the world within seconds.
  • Digital design for kids: Digital design is great for creativity! For kids who love to paint, draw, and color, join these fun classes to take their imagination from paper to the screen.
  • Game development for kids: Discover the process of making a video game - from the start of an idea to the end where it is ready for others to play - and everything in between.
  • Mobile app development for kids: Mobile app development classes for kids helps children bring their own mobile app ideas to life.
  • Robotics for kids: Robots fascinate children! Join along as we bring together science, engineering, and technology to create something incredible.

These virtually taught classes are so engaging, my son really enjoys them and is so excited to show us the coding projects he has completed on all 3 levels of Scratch Ninja. We will definitely be signing him up for more classes and thoroughly recommend Create & Learn to other parents.

Amanda E.
Create & Learn Parent

Amazing instructor. Can really keep my daughter engaged in a fun way. Thanks to Create & Learn my daughter's tech scores have skyrocketed at school.

Bhavi P.
Create & Learn Parent

Amazing virtual classes that taught my son about coding. He has taken 3 classes and he loves them all. They have some really good programs. I would definitely recommend this website and I plan to sign him up for more classes.

Create & Learn Parent

Free Coding For Kids Programs and Websites

Explore free coding websites for kids

Check out the best free coding websites for kids and teens. From easy, exciting, and free Create & Learn classes to MIT's Scratch and W3 Schools, you’re sure to find something your child will enjoy.

1. Create & Learn
Create & Learn offers free coding classes for kids designed by Google, Stanford, and MIT experts. Most of the classes are small groups (5 students max), and you can choose from popular topics like Minecraft and Roblox coding. With a structured learning path, and live instruction, your child will be set up for success!
2. Scratch
Scratch coding is a fun way to engage students with coding through play. Children create animations using block code which is super beginner-friendly because it allows students to focus on learning logic rather than typing code. Scratch is designed by MIT, and is great for children as young as Grade 2. For children even younger than that, there's Scratch Jr. For a structured learning path, Create & Learn offers fun online classes with live instruction for both of these programs. Check out Scratch Ninja and Scratch Junior.
3. offers free coding resources and games. is a nonprofit dedicated to expanding access to computer science in schools and increasing participation by young women and students from other underrepresented groups. Their awesome Hour of Code program helps kids pick up coding with just an hour of engagement. Explore all the fun one-hour long tutorials they have on their website.
4. W3 Schools
W3 Schools offers free coding tutorials in many languages! This website is better for older or more advanced students. They begin with HTML and CSS, and move onto Javascript and Python. It's a nice option for supplementing your guided learning, with some self practice. Create & Learn can help you pick up Python and learn HTML and CSS as well, with the help of a live instructor who can answer questions right in the moment.
5. YouTube
YouTube is great for all ages and levels! There are tons of fun video tutorials on YouTube for starting your coding journey. Whether you're just getting started or more advanced, find tutorials from teachers or even fellow students. A few to get started with are how to make a maze in Scratch and how to make a flappy bird in Scratch.
6. Swift Playgrounds
Swift Playgrounds is a free app for iPad and Mac that requires no previous coding knowledge, so it’s perfect for students just starting out. Swift is a powerful programming language created by Apple and used by the pros to build today’s most popular apps. Kids begin by solving puzzles to master the basics, and then take on a series of more advanced challenges.
7. Daisy the Dinosaur
Great for beginners, this iOS app uses fun challenges to teach basic coding concepts. Kids will intuitively grasp the basics of objects, sequencing, loops and events by solving this app's challenges.The goal is to make Daisy the dinosaur move, jump, and dance with drag-and-drop commands.
8. LightBot
LightBot was designed with first-time coders, and teaches essential coding concepts. It's a puzzle game based on coding, and as they progress, kids will learn sequencing, overloading, procedures, recursive loops, and conditionals.
9. GitHub
Millions of developers and companies build, ship, and maintain their software on GitHub—the largest and most advanced development platform in the world. So GitHub is a great place for students to see other projects, get inspired, and collaborate.
10. Grasshopper
This free app is available on iOS, Android, and all web browsers. It helps you learn with fun, quick lessons on your phone that teach you to write real JavaScript. Move through progressively challenging levels as you develop your abilities, and master concepts like functions, variables, object editing, and more.
El Carmelo
Herbert Hoover
Activity Hero