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Join Free Kids Virtual Events to Explore Space & NASA

Are your children fascinated by space? Do they want to explore the most exciting NASA missions and cutting-edge technology? In this series of free virtual events, your kids will learn from NASA & Space top experts. Discover everything from how NASA collects asteroid rock and brings it back to Earth, to how they explore evidence of past microbial life on Mars, to how they rescued a NASA spacecraft a million times farther away than the space station. These NASA & Space experts will also share their own stories regarding pursuing a career in space, as well as their advice and even some opportunities for students who are passionate about this area. Save your spot for these exclusive events for free now!

NASA Psyche Mission Q&A: Exploring a New World with NASA Expert

NASA Psyche Mission Q&A: Exploring a New World with NASA Expert

  • Grades 3-10
  • Marc Rayman is chief engineer for mission operations and science at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). He is also chief engineer of the Psyche mission. Psyche is both the name of an asteroid orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter and the NASA mission to visit this asteroid. The mission will be the first time we explore a world not made of rock or ice, but of metal. Psyche offers a unique window into the fascinating history of collisions and accretion that created terrestrial planets.

    Marc grew up in Toledo, Ohio, and earned a B.A. in physics from Princeton University, and an M.S. in physics from the University of Colorado in Boulder. Marc joined JPL in 1986 and his work there has included optical interferometry missions to detect planets around other stars, design of a mission to return samples from Mars, a laser altimeter for Mars, the Spitzer infrared space telescope and the development of systems to use lasers to communicate with interplanetary spacecraft among others. He led the Deep Space 1 mission launched in 1998 which took NASA's first close-up pictures of the nucleus of a comet. Marc was chief engineer, mission director, and project manager on the Dawn mission that explored the two largest uncharted worlds in the inner solar system, Dawn and Vesta. It is the only spacecraft ever to orbit two extraterrestrial destinations.

    His many accolades from NASA include three Exceptional Achievement Medals and four Outstanding Leadership Medals. He was named a JPL Fellow, the highest technical position there, "for extraordinary technical contributions made over an extended period."

  • 60 minutes
    Single Session
  • 2-500 students group class
  • For students who enjoy NASA or want to learn more about outer space and science, join our small group NASA STEM class led live by an experienced teacher. We will cover topics such as galaxies, rockets, Mars, International Space Station, the Solar System, and more. In each session, students learn cool new things about space and science, then build small projects and sometimes play games to make new subjects fun and strengthen their learning.

    Or help your student begin pursuing their space career! Fine tune their knowledge of space exploration in live online private classes tailored to their individual interests and needs. This Path to Space Careers private class is recommended for students interested in expanding their knowledge of space programs, developing their own space projects and one day doing an internship with NASA.

Join Small-Group Outer-Space Kids Virtual Classes

If your children are interested in the NASA expert series, further indulge their learning and creativity with more in-depth learning about outer space in a live virtual small group class (5 students max means lots of engaging teacher attention). To help your student explore and cultivate their passion for space, choose from classes on Star Trek, space careers, coding for outer space, and many more — no background in astronomy is required. Pick your kids' favorite topic and start their space journey today! Hurry, spots are limited.



Grades 1-4

Explore the mysteries of outer space science with fun projects

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Star Trek and the NASA Connection (Request Times)

Star Trek and the NASA Connection (Request Times)

Grades 4-12

Star Trek: The History of the Future & the NASA Connection In this fun multidisciplinary class, students develop leadership skills while becoming familiar with the history, philosophy and technology of the first 3 Star Trek series as they learn about their impact on NASA and popular culture. Class One: Star Trek's impact on technological innovation and the NASA connection In this class we review Star Trek's important impact on NASA and technology. This will include its impact on the Apollo program as well as the work of African American Star Trek star Nichelle Nichols in the Space Shuttle's recruitment program and astronaut Mae Jemison's appearance on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Many tech devices we use everyday, including smartphones, were inspired by Star Trek. We will explore which Star Trek inventions have come true and which ones are still a few years ahead, such as the phaser, medical tricorder and transporter. We will discuss some of the scientific principals behind these devices. This class is ideal for those interested in tech history and innovation as well as the history of American popular culture. Class Two: First Contact with Extraterrestrial Civilizations and the philosophy of Star Trek's Prime Directive In this class we review several topical dramatic situations from Star Trek and compare and contrast Star Trek's non interference directive to an eventual real life first contact scenario with an alien civilization. These issues are becoming increasingly relevant as humanity approaches the day when life beyond Earth is officially confirmed. Students will have fun creatively acting out 1st Contact scenarios. Class Three: Applying Problem Solving and Leadership Skills In this class we debate the strengths and weaknesses of the leadership styles of 3 Star Trek captains based on scenarios we will review together. Students will develop their problem solving /conflict resolution skills through fun role role plays inspired by scenarios from Star Trek that have real life implications. This class develops team work skills and is ideal for aspiring astronauts. Get ready for some time travel! Class Four: The Legacy of Star Trek in Popular Culture Star Trek has gifted us with a rich cultural and technological legacy including the Vulcan hand salute and the Vulcan philosophy of "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations." In this class students will explore the lasting impact Star Trek has made through movies spin off series and merchandising. Students will get an exciting inside view of a Star Trek Convention and pay a virtual visit to Starfleet Academy. Students will discuss which area of Star Fleet appeals to them the most: Command, Communications, Science etc. These decisions will help orient students towards their future study paths and careers. Please send an email to [] to arrange a schedule based on your needs.

The Path to Space Careers: 4 sessions /Private Classes: Request Times

The Path to Space Careers: 4 sessions /Private Classes: Request Times

Grades 4-12

A convenient and fun way for young space enthusiasts to kickstart their space careers. Fine tune your knowledge of space exploration in private classes tailored to your individual interests and needs. Recommended for students interested in expanding their knowledge of space programs, developing their own space projects and one day doing an internship with NASA. In this exciting 4 session course students are introduced to key space missions, careers and NASA mentors which will inspire them on their paths to one day working in the aerospace industry. We travel through the solar system and beyond and learn about the real people who do amazing space jobs every day ( engineers, scientists, astronauts etc). We discuss past, current and future space missions including Artemis, Mars Rovers, Voyager, James Webb, exoplanets, CubeSats, upcoming missions to Europa and Titan. Students are given tips on how to go about applying for NASA internships and will be provided opportunities to connect directly with NASA specialists/mentors. My teaching style is fun and informal and I explain complex ideas in an enjoyable way so my students have fun as they interactively explore their interest in space exploration. I am fortunate to have many contacts who work on space missions at NASA centers, universities and other space agencies. Please send an email to [] to arrange a schedule based on your needs.

Start With Free Classes

Join top-rated kids coding classes

Our small group free coding classes, live online experience, and awesome teachers set every child up for success. Discover the magic in technology and have fun when you get started today.

Free Intro to Scratch Coding

Free Intro to Scratch Coding

Grades 2-5

Code games and animations with beginner-friendly Scratch coding

Enroll FREE
Beginner Roblox Game Coding - Free Intro

Beginner Roblox Game Coding - Free Intro

Grades 3-8

Start learning Roblox game coding the simple way

AI Explorers - Introduction (free event)

AI Explorers - Introduction (free event)

Grades 4-9

Discover how AI fuels self-driving cars, face recognition, and other advanced technologies

Accelerated Scratch - Intro to Coding for Teens

Accelerated Scratch - Intro to Coding for Teens

Grades 5-10

Fast-paced introduction to coding: build games, stories, and animations

Free Intro to Python Coding

Free Intro to Python Coding

Grades 5-10

Learn a real-world programming language, with a focus on AI