Create & Learn
Bruce Callow

Bruce Callow

Bruce Callow: Space Educator /Author

Canadian space educator and co-author of several published books including To the Stars: Costa Rica in NASA and The Intrepids: Costa Rican Women in Science and Technology.

Bruce was a communications consultant for acclaimed NASA astronaut Dr. Franklin Chang Diaz and executive producer of the climate change film Odyssey 2050.

He is involved in numerous space education outreach activities in cooperation with NASA, Create & Learn and the Costa Rica Institute of Technology and assisted with the creation of the Costa Rica Space Agency.

Star Trek and the NASA Connection (Request Times)
Star Trek and the NASA Connection (Request Times)
  • Grades 4-12
  • Star Trek: The History of the Future & the NASA Connection

    In this fun multidisciplinary class, students develop leadership skills while becoming familiar with the history, philosophy and technology of the first 3 Star Trek series as they learn about their impact on NASA and popular culture.

    Class One: Star Trek's impact on technological innovation and the NASA connection

    In this class we review Star Trek's important impact on NASA and technology. This will include its impact on the Apollo program as well as the work of African American Star Trek star Nichelle Nichols in the Space Shuttle's recruitment program and astronaut Mae Jemison's appearance on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Many tech devices we use everyday, including smartphones, were inspired by Star Trek. We will explore which Star Trek inventions have come true and which ones are still a few years ahead, such as the phaser, medical tricorder and transporter. We will discuss some of the scientific principals behind these devices. This class is ideal for those interested in tech history and innovation as well as the history of American popular culture.

    Class Two: First Contact with Extraterrestrial Civilizations and the philosophy of Star Trek's Prime Directive

    In this class we review several topical dramatic situations from Star Trek and compare and contrast Star Trek's non interference directive to an eventual real life first contact scenario with an alien civilization. These issues are becoming increasingly relevant as humanity approaches the day when life beyond Earth is officially confirmed. Students will have fun creatively acting out 1st Contact scenarios.

    Class Three: Applying Problem Solving and Leadership Skills

    In this class we debate the strengths and weaknesses of the leadership styles of 3 Star Trek captains based on scenarios we will review together. Students will develop their problem solving /conflict resolution skills through fun role role plays inspired by scenarios from Star Trek that have real life implications. This class develops team work skills and is ideal for aspiring astronauts. Get ready for some time travel!

    Class Four: The Legacy of Star Trek in Popular Culture

    Star Trek has gifted us with a rich cultural and technological legacy including the Vulcan hand salute and the Vulcan philosophy of "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations." In this class students will explore the lasting impact Star Trek has made through movies spin off series and merchandising. Students will get an exciting inside view of a Star Trek Convention and pay a virtual visit to Starfleet Academy. Students will discuss which area of Star Fleet appeals to them the most: Command, Communications, Science etc. These decisions will help orient students towards their future study paths and careers.

    Please send an email to to arrange a schedule based on your needs.

  • 55 minutes per session
    4 Sessions
  • $110 (4 Sessions)
  • 1 student only
  • No prerequisites and no knowledge of Star Trek is necessary.
The Path to Space Careers: Private Classes (Single Session, Request Time)
The Path to Space Careers: Private Classes (Single Session, Request Time)
  • Grades 3-12
  • Fine tune your knowledge of space exploration and your path to a space career in private classes tailored to your individual interests and needs. Recommended for students interested in developing their own space projects and for those preparing to apply for NASA or other space related internships. Please send an email to to arrange a schedule based on your needs.

  • 55 minutes
    Single Session
  • $30 (Single Session)
  • 1 student only
The Path to Space Careers: 4 sessions /Private Classes: Request Times
The Path to Space Careers: 4 sessions /Private Classes: Request Times
  • Grades 4-12
  • A convenient and fun way for young space enthusiasts to kickstart their space careers. Fine tune your knowledge of space exploration in private classes tailored to your individual interests and needs. Recommended for students interested in expanding their knowledge of space programs, developing their own space projects and one day doing an internship with NASA.

    In this exciting 4 session course students are introduced to key space missions, careers and NASA mentors which will inspire them on their paths to one day working in the aerospace industry. We travel through the solar system and beyond and learn about the real people who do amazing space jobs every day ( engineers, scientists, astronauts etc). We discuss past, current and future space missions including Artemis, Mars Rovers, Voyager, James Webb, exoplanets, CubeSats, upcoming missions to Europa and Titan.

    Students are given tips on how to go about applying for NASA internships and will be provided opportunities to connect directly with NASA specialists/mentors. My teaching style is fun and informal and I explain complex ideas in an enjoyable way so my students have fun as they interactively explore their interest in space exploration. I am fortunate to have many contacts who work on space missions at NASA centers, universities and other space agencies.

    Please send an email to to arrange a schedule based on your needs.

  • 55 minutes per session
    4 Sessions
  • $110 (4 Sessions)
  • 1 student only
Mission to Mars / Titan Book Writing Course: Request Times
Mission to Mars / Titan Book Writing Course: Request Times
Cosmic Explorers: For The Youngest Space Adventurers ( Request Times)
Cosmic Explorers: For The Youngest Space Adventurers ( Request Times)
  • Grades 1-4
  • Designed for grade 1 to 4 students, this exciting single class introduction to NASA and space transports students into the fascinating world of space exploration and inspires their desire to explore.

    With fun interactive challenges and captivating videos students get exclusive glimpses into the work conducted by NASA and its partners, igniting their passion for space and discovery.

    Please send an email to to arrange a schedule based on your needs.

  • 25 minutes
    Single Session
  • $15 (Single Session)
  • 2-4 students group class
  • Curiosity about space and exploration.