Ainsley Saephan's Maker Portfolio

Checkout this project at scratch.mit.edu

Checkout this project at scratch.mit.edu
This is a Island parallax where you can move your mouse to see different angles of the art

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Checkout this project at scratch.mit.edu

Checkout this project at scratch.mit.edu

Checkout this project at scratch.mit.edu
This is a car game but with an Asgardian twist! Thor twist

Checkout this project at scratch.mit.edu
This is a Star Wars project where you can practice targetting

Checkout this project at scratch.mit.edu
This project is about taking care of a small and cute sea creature. I posted this for fun!

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In this project, you have to help someone with their line numbers

Checkout this project at scratch.mit.edu
It is just an animation about Giga being late for class.

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I made this by myself before and I am posting it in the classroom to thank teacher Kenny. In this project, you can shape into other things.

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This project is a game where you will read the instructions if you press the link.

Checkout this project at scratch.mit.edu
This project is about getting a target circle by being an elf archer.

Checkout this project at scratch.mit.edu
This project is about a fun game of pong BUT with a TWIST with LAVA

Checkout this project at scratch.mit.edu
This project is about a fun game of pong.... BUT with a TWIST! of LAVA

Checkout this project at scratch.mit.edu
This project is about a fairy and a different one and you have to find the different one.

Checkout this project at scratch.mit.edu
This project is about a drawing game but instead of making it look like drawing, I made it look like someone with super speed, and has a rainbow trail.