Ready to start coding for 12th graders? Explore the roadmap to success right here! From selecting the best language to start with (and are some that are perfect for teen beginners!) to exploring the top coding classes and even discovering the best free coding platforms, this comprehensive guide has it all. And, for those who like to take matters into their own hands, we've included some proven tips for teaching your 12th grader coding at home.

Take the first step by joining a free award-winning online small group Python class led live by an expert, and designed by professionals from Google, Stanford, and MIT! And explore fun free live online tech events for kids.

Pick the Best Coding Language for 12th Graders

Before you begin teaching your child coding, it helps to identify the programming language to start with. Here’s a handy chart, which shows that both Scratch coding and Python coding are great options, depending on your student's goals and preferred time commitment. Both of these languages are popular choices for beginners.

For pretty much everyone brand new to coding, we recommend getting started with Scratch designed by the MIT media lab, even though it's designed for younger students. It's a fun, free, and easy language to quickly bring ideas to life, while learning basic coding concepts and logic that students can apply to all their future coding experience. To get your student set up with Scratch and learn how to use Scratch, check out this quick step by step video:

However if your student has no previous coding experience and is willing to spend a larger amount of time practicing, they can also begin with popular (and slightly more advanced) real-world programming language Python. Python's syntax is clean and easy to read, closely resembling the English language, making it more easy to understand than other programing languages. Also Python is one of the top languages used today and a very marketable skill. It is vital for web development, data science, artificial intelligence, and game development. And this broad applicability can keep teens engaged as they can create diverse projects that interest them.

It is quite simple to get started using Python. There are many web-based integrated development environments that allow you to quickly start and develop a Python program, such as Trinket or Replit. Live expert guidance can certainly smooth the learning  journey though, and that's where coding classes can really help.

Best Coding Classes For Twelfth Graders

Create & Learn is an award-winning kids coding classes platform for students in grades K-12 who want to learn to code and are looking for a comprehensive and well-regarded program. We offer 35+ online computer science classes and camps led live by US-based expert instructors with an average of 10 years of experience. With a systemic learning path for every age and interest, your student will discover their love for computer science in a safe, collaborative environment.

All of the classes' curricula are designed by professionals from Google, Stanford, and MIT, so kids build cutting-edge, real-world skills using the best technology. Cool hands-on projects, relatable real-life examples, and lively teachers keep computer science exciting. Furthermore, children get personalized instruction and support as they learn to code, because of the small group class format (typically 3-5 students). Your student will also earn a certificate upon class completion. Unlike other coding class programs, rather than being told a set of code text to copy and paste, in these classes, kids learn the underlying logic behind coding, and they're encouraged to express and build their creativity along the way with many options for applying their own unique spin to projects.

Create & Learn's coding classes for high schoolers have been recognized and awarded by Minecraft Education, Meta, HulaFrog, ActivityHero, and SMASH. Parents have found the classes to be very effective for their children, and have rated the platform as 5-stars on Facebook. Beyond that, students have enjoyed over 1 million learning hours with the company. The company also provides a full satisfaction guarantee for their classes. Here are some of our most popular classes for twelfth graders:

1. Accelerated Scratch

Our Accelerated Scratch coding class is tailored for middle and high schoolers who are brand new to coding, starting with the block-based coding language Scratch, and advances them through engaging and comprehensive lessons. Your teen will be introduced to key coding concepts such as loops, conditionals, variables, functions, and even advanced features like cloning. Each session not only challenges their creativity but sets them up for success by mastering computational thinking skills. The projects range from animations and games to graphic designs and storytelling, ensuring that learning remains a fun and enriching process. Enroll today and watch your child's confidence and interest in coding soar!

2. Mobile Coding for Apps and Games

Imagine your child not just downloading mobile apps but also creating them! In this class, students will dive into the world of mobile app development using Thunkable, a block-based programming platform that's both approachable and powerful. They'll explore key concepts like designing user interfaces, handling various mobile device features, and working with advanced cloud computing. From constructing games to building complex multi-user applications, your child will learn to apply their creativity in tangible ways that can even translate to real-world business opportunities. Beyond equipping them with sought-after computational skills, this course sets the stage for participating in exciting competitions like the Congressional App Challenge.

3. Python for AI

This live online course is a delightful dive into Python, a coding language celebrated for its simplicity and popularity, and used by tech giants like Netflix and Google. The class covers everything from the basics of Python to its applications in Artificial Intelligence, including intricate data structures and libraries. With the new curriculum, students even engage with ChatGPT to learn, debug, and brainstorm coding solutions more effectively. Guided by experienced teachers in small groups, students will master skills to create animations, games, and their very own independent Python projects.

4. Modern Website Design with Wix

Whether it's creating a digital portfolio, supporting local businesses, or celebrating a community event, web design is a versatile skill that opens endless creative doors. In this online class, students are guided through the enthralling journey of building professional-looking websites using Wix, a user-friendly platform adored by over 200 million users worldwide. They'll start from the fundamentals, including layout design and color schemes, and evolve to constructing multi-page structures with complex components like maps and payment options. Through a project-based learning approach expertly led by instructors, students will build not just one, but several websites, each reflecting a topic they're passionate about. This class is more than a blend of art, technology, and computer science; it's a doorway to digital creativity, and you'll be amazed at what your student can create!

5. Web Development: Javascript, HTML, and CSS

The Internet is like a bustling city that we all visit every day, but how many of us actually know how it's built? Here's a golden opportunity for your child to become an architect of the digital world! In this live online class, students won't just learn about the Internet and the World Wide Web; they'll also construct web pages from scratch, explore how the Internet operates, and delve into the layers of business around the online economy. It starts with the foundation: HTML and CSS, as your child crafts their first fan website. Next, they'll sprinkle some magic with Javascript, making websites that respond to viewers' interactions. They'll also build complex web projects, animations, and even online games. Imagine the spark in their eyes as they create, learn, and uncover the power of web development. If they've ever been curious about how their favorite websites come to life, this is a vibrant and engaging place to start!

6. Computer Science Principles

Ever wondered how computers understand the code we write or how they talk to each other? Well, your student might be curious too! This Computer Science Principles class is a thrilling adventure into the world of binary, encryption, networking, and so much more. Crafted by expert AP computer science educators, this live online, expert-led course serves as a fantastic stepping stone into the system and architectural aspects of computers, and meets the full requirements as defined by the College Board for the APCSP exam. What's more, the class features engaging small projects that allow students to get hands-on experience with the concepts, ensuring they're not only absorbing the information but also actively participating in class discussions. Whether aiming for the APCSP exam or just exploring the fascinating world of computer science, this course is sure to spark your student's imagination and curiosity, enhancing their understanding of technology in our daily lives.

7. Unity Game Development

Ever watched your child's eyes light up while playing games like Crossy Road, Among Us, or Angry Birds, and wondered if they could create something like that? Well, here's the chance for them to step into the exciting world of game development with Unity! Unity isn't just a playground; it's a professional game engine used to craft both 2D and 3D games, and it even dives into the realms of VR and AR. Imagine your child navigating the Unity ecosystem, scripting behaviors, modifying objects, designing levels, and orchestrating the entire game development process. They'll build real games in this entirely project-based live online class, mastering everything from character control and inventory management to the playtest and design cycle. So if your child loves games and has a creative spark, why not turn that passion into skills?

8. Intro to Java Programming

Are you ready to help your child dive into the world of programming and perhaps even prepare them for the fastest growing AP exam out there? This engaging and rigorous live online Java class will introduce your child to software engineering, object-oriented programming, and a myriad of essential programming concepts. Your teen will embark on a fascinating journey that covers everything from problem-solving and algorithm development to the ethical implications of computing systems. Designed in three parts, this course will take your child from understanding fundamental Java concepts all the way to AP CSA test preparation, with hands-on sessions on class structure, arrays, logic, and even natural language processing techniques. The course is uniquely aligned with the AP CSA exam, and is an opportunity for your child to discover their identity as a software engineer, be creative with code, and build a foundation for real-world computer science applications. Sign them up, and watch them transform into confident coders ready to tackle the AP CSA exam!

The Best Way for Twelfth Graders to Learn Coding

Downloading an app, sorting through YouTube videos, and buying some books for your twelfth grader are all great ways for student to learn coding. However you've probably encouraged your child to do this before, and maybe they're consistent for a few days, and then eventually drop it.

There are undoubtedly so many online resources and platforms where your child can get information and knowledge about how to code for free. But what happens if they get stuck on a line of code, learn outdated information, or find all it too overwhelming or confusing? They probably won't stick with coding, and they might never want to return to it. The opportunity to foster their passion for computer science might flash by in the blink of an eye!

As the chart below reveals, there are many options for learning kids coding. Live classes offer some of the most compelling benefits when comparing some key factors such as supportive help, interactivity, and thoughtful accurate learning paths that set students up for success.

Coding classes help teens learn

Live online classes are a great solution for helping your twelfth grader explore computer science and discover how it aligns with their interests. They are likely the best shot your student has at gaining real coding skills soon, because passionate teachers will hold students accountable and support them. In addition, live online courses adapt the material to kids' learning styles, they help students when they run into tough problems with their code, and they taking the 'thinking' off your plate with a carefully designed curriculum - so you don't have to plan your student's next step or worry that the content will be out of their reach and overly frustrating.

Learning quickly and accurately in live online classes and camps will best equip your student to gain valuable computer science skills. They are an investment, but they don't have to be forever. For example, here at Create & Learn, you can pick and chose the classes your child enrolls in based on their schedule and interests: which can easily match your child's preferred time engagement and growing passions. Explore the grades 9-12 curriculum here.

12th grading coding curriculum

Of course, there's not just one solution for learning something new. Pairing live online classes with additional materials, such as free online websites and apps that encourage self-discovery, is a great way to round out your student's coding education. So let's take a look at some additional resources to use.

Top Free Coding Programs For 12th Graders

Free coding programs designed specifically for this age group are a wonderful supplementary resource, offering interactive and engaging platforms that make learning both fun and effective.

1. Free Coding Classes

  • Age Range: 7 and up

Free coding classes for kids are a great way to introduce computer programming to students and help them find new interests. From fun beginner languages, to awesome Roblox game development, to more advanced programming that drives real-world innovation - find a great free introduction computer coding class for your child to enjoy!

2. W3Schools

  • Age Range: 11 and up

Students can explore foundational languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript through interactive examples and exercises using W3Schools. What makes W3Schools particularly appealing for young coders is its "Try it Yourself" feature, where learners can write and test code directly within the web browser, providing hands-on experience at no cost. From building simple web pages to more complex functionalities, W3Schools offers a free and user-friendly approach.

3. Google CS First

  • Age Range: 8 and up

Google CS First provides a curriculum to support to educators and parents wanting to teach their students coding. Even if you're not familiar with coding yourself, the platform offers the tools you need to guide your child through their coding journey. Google has collaborated with educators and universities to create content that aligns with best practices in teaching coding to children. It ensures that the material is not only fun but educationally sound.

Explore some free coding games for kids too. Learn more about coding for high school students here.

How to Teach Your Twelfth Grader Coding

Here are a few tips for teaching your child programming:

  1. Incorporate Their Interests: Whether it's creating a game or designing a virtual garden, align their coding projects with your teen's hobbies or passions. By integrating what they love, you'll make the learning process engaging and relatable. Explore these fun Scratch project ideas to get started. Or follow a tutorial such as how to make a Mario game in Scratch, how to make an animation in Python, or how to draw with Python turtle graphics.
  2. Break Tasks Down: Complex problems can be overwhelming, so break them down into smaller, manageable tasks. Encourage your teen to solve one part at a time, guiding them gently through each step. This method builds confidence and a strong foundation in problem-solving. Challenge them to tackle these Scratch exercises or Python exercises as a simple starting point.
  3. Encourage Collaborative Learning: Coding doesn't have to be a solitary activity. Encourage your 12th grader to work with friends on joint projects or join coding clubs. Collaborating with peers can make coding more social and enjoyable.
  4. Allow Room for Failure and Experimentation: Encourage a mindset where failure is seen as a learning opportunity rather than something to be avoided. Provide challenges that allow them to experiment, fail, and learn from those failures. This not only builds resilience but also fosters a deeper understanding of coding concepts.
  5. Encourage Them to Pursue Challenges: Whether it's the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair, organized by Society of Science, one of the most prestigious science fairs in the world for high school students, or the Congressional App Challenge, hosted by the members of the U.S. House of Representatives, which encourages high school students to create and submit their original apps that solve a district-specific problem, there are many fun challenges to help students apply their skills. Here's a complete list of coding contests.

Get Started Learning Coding For Twelfth Graders

Computing jobs are the #1 source of new wages in the US

According to, computing jobs are the number one source of new wages in the US. In a world where technology is rapidly advancing, understanding the basics of coding prepares teens for a wide range of future careers, not just in computer science. By starting in twelfth grade, kids can create a strong foundation for higher-level computer science education and an edge in the increasingly tech-driven world. Get started today by enrolling your student in a free live online coding class!