Coding activities for kids are great opportunities to introduce them to coding or to continue their learning outside of the classroom. As with any new skill, the more kids practice coding, the better they get at it! Coding activities not only help improve skills but also boost confidence and interest in computer science.

Discover Fun Coding Activities For Kids

There are plenty of coding activities to choose from! There are coding activities for beginners and elementary kids as well as free coding activities, coding activities without a computer, and free printable coding worksheets.

Coding Activities For Elementary School Beginners

Coding activities for beginners and elementary kids are a great way to introduce kids to coding. These activities include free classes and coding camps to introduce kids to coding and develop their coding skills.

1. Free Intro to Beginner Scratch Coding

In this free Scratch class designed by experts from Google, Stanford, and MIT, kids learn the basics of how to use the beginner-friendly Scratch programming interface, live online with an expert instructor. Kids will explore programs created by other students, and work together to build a fun game of their own.

Grades: 2-5

2. Free Beginner Roblox Game Coding

Help your child get a taste of what creating Roblox games is like, and start learning Roblox coding. Choose to complete this tutorial on your own with your child with a guided AI coach experience. Or enroll your child in the live online class, during which an expert instructor helps students install and activate Roblox Studio. Either way, kids go through a step-by-step tutorial to build an interactive Obby (obstacle) game with different shapes, colors, and materials!

Grades: 3-8

Coding Activities For Middle and High School Beginners

3. Fun With Snap Circuits

This is a great activity for kids that love the tactile experience of playing with objects in the real world! In this fun free online event led by an expert instructor, your child will learn the basics of electronic circuits using Snap Circuits. They will build several fun projects, while learning what a circuit is, how circuits work, and how to add more parts in a circuit to make sounds, light, and more.

Grades: 2-8

4. Free Intro to Python Coding

This is a great activity to begin with for older students. In this free live online Python coding class, tweens and teens take their first dive into coding with real-world programming language Python - used by companies such as Netflix and Google. Kids learn how to animate and draw with Python, and build their own story project to create a cool animation.

Grades: 5-10

Free Coding Activities For Kids

Kids can also explore coding on their own using free coding activities. Kids can complete these activities anytime and include step-by-step instructions to help them create fun games and apps.

5. Beginner Scratch Exercises

Scratch is an incredible program from MIT that can help kids in grades 2-5 learn how to code. However, the program can be a bit confusing at first, so it is helpful for kids to have simple projects to complete as they learn the ins and outs of the platform. For that reason, we’ve compiled some fun Scratch exercises for kids that will help them to master Scratch and be equipped to tackle more advanced projects in the future. Find fun activities that involve flying, changing colors, noises, and more!

6. Beginner Scratch Challenges

After completing the above exercises, these challenges are ideal to tackle next with your child. Discover five beginner Scratch challenges that include progressively more sophisticated concepts such as loops, variables, and Scratch extensions. Try these fun challenges including a translator and a story-based game!

7. How to Make Pacman on Scratch

With this tutorial, kids can learn how to make Pacman on Scratch step by step. Kids learn how to design sprites (characters) and the maze, and write the code to control the Pacman.

Grades: 2-5

8. How to Make a Mario Game on Scratch for Beginners

With this tutorial, kids can learn how to create a Mario game on Scratch. Kids learn how to use broadcasting and messaging as well as some techniques for creating platformers.

Grades: 2-9

You can also explore even more easy games for kids to code.

9. How to Make AI in Python Tutorial

Python is commonly used to develop AI applications, such as improving human to computer interactions, identifying trends, and making predictions. With this tutorial, kids can learn how to create a simple AI chatbot in Python.

Grades: 5-12

10. Roblox Tutorial: How to Make a Game

Coding with Roblox is a great way to learn new skills while building a game. Kids can make a variety of games, such as platformers, racing games, and more. This tutorial will walk you and your child through making their first simple obstacle course.

Grades: 6-12

11. Free Hour of Code Activities From

The Hour of Code is a global movement reaching tens of millions of students in 180+ countries. Anyone, anywhere can organize an Hour of Code event or try any of the over 500+ one-hour tutorials, available in over 45 languages.

Grades: K-12

12. Khan Academy's Free Hour Of Code Videos

Khan Academy offers multi-hour, self-paced courses in JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and SQL. For Hour of Code, they have curated one-hour introductions to each of those topics. For example, Hour of Drawing with code teaches kids how to use JavaScript to program drawings and finish with a fun project to draw either a snowman, animal, or self-portrait. 

Ages: 8+

13. W3Schools Tutorials

This free platform introduces kids to coding languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript through interactive exercises. The platform's beginner-friendly content makes it an excellent starting point for kids interested in learning how websites are built.

Ages: 10+

14. NASA's Free Classroom Coding Challenges

This is a unique way for kids to learn coding while exploring space-related missions. Through these challenges, students can work on real-world problems like app development, using coding to solve STEM challenges inspired by NASA's work. It’s an engaging resource for parents looking to spark their child’s interest in coding and space exploration through hands-on activities. For example, the Lunar Coding Challenge asks students to utilize block code to design the Artemis I mission.

Coding Activities For Kids Without A Computer

Coding doesn't always require a computer! These activities help kids develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills, which help them become better coders.

15. "Unplugged" Activities: Computer Science Without The Computer

This activity packet helps kids explore coding and computer science without a computer while learning about events and writing algorithms. These activities are especially fun to do as a family, such as having a family Dance Party!

Grades: 2-5

16. Hello Ruby

Hello Ruby has many activities and resources for kids to explore coding and computer science. There are also books and videos that teach kids about computer science through storytelling.

Ages: 5+

17. CS Unplugged

CS Unplugged is a collection of activities and resources that teaches kids coding and computer science through games and puzzles. Many of the activities use resources that can be found around the house, such as string and crayons, and are a lot of fun for kids!

Grades: 2-5

18. Kodable Unplugged Coding Activities

This collection of over twenty projects teach kids coding concepts and developing a computer science mindset without computers. These activities focus on building problem-solving and critical thinking skills, which help kids become better coders.

Grades: K-5

Free Printable Coding Worksheets For Kids

These free printable coding worksheets are useful resources for kids to explore coding and computer science without a computer. These guided worksheets help kids develop important skills they will use when coding in any programming language.

19. Teach Your Kids Code: Coding Worksheets

Teach Your Kids Code has several coding worksheets to explore app development, problem-solving and algorithmic thinking, and general coding concepts. Kids can learn the basics of coding without a computer while developing their critical thinking skills.

Grades: K-5

20. Teach Starter: Coding Teaching Resources

This collection of coding worksheets and activities allow kids to learn about algorithms, binary coding, 8-bit coding, and the difference between software and hardware. Kids develop their coding vocabulary as well as their problem-solving and critical thinking skills to learn about coding or strengthen their coding skills.

Grades: K-7

Enjoy Coding Activities For Kids In K-12

There are many coding activities for kids to get started with learning coding and computer science. Kids can take online classes and coding camps or explore coding concepts through unplugged activities and worksheets. With so many options to choose from, you can easily find activities that best suit your child's level of experience, learning style, and personal interests. You can start with free coding classes so your child can learn coding with an experienced instructor and use unplugged activities and worksheets to continue developing their coding skills outside of class. Up next, explore a list of after-school enrichment activities.

Written by Jamila Cocchiola who has always been fascinated with technology and its impact on the world. The technologies that emerged while she was in high school showed her all the ways software could be used to connect people, so she learned how to code so she could make her own! She went on to make a career out of developing software and apps before deciding to become a teacher to help students see the importance, benefits, and fun of computer science.