Ever daydreamed about crafting your very own app, whipping up a website from scratch, or carving out a career as a front-end developer? Online coding schools can help! With the digital age in full swing, there's never been a more opportune moment to tap into the power of coding. From the comfort of your own home, online coding platforms offer a passport to a world of programming magic. Whether you're excited about Python, enchanted by JavaScript, or curious about C++, there's a school out there perfectly tailored for you. So today discover some of the best online coding schools based on student reviews, curriculum quality, and coding class format.

Discover The Best Online Coding Schools

With a diverse range of courses, teaching styles, and support systems, finding the perfect fit has never been easier. Here are some of the best coding schools to learn by coding.

1. Create & Learn

  • Best for: K-12 beginner to advanced kids
  • Format: Live online, expert led
  • Price: A la carte per class, $89.25 for four 55-minute sessions

Create & Learn offers award-winning computer science classes in subjects as diverse as beginner-friendly Scratch coding to game development, artificial intelligence, robotics and even AP CS to students in grades K-12. What truly sets this platform apart are that all classes are held live online and are taught by experienced US-based instructors who provide personalized support in small class sizes (maximum of 5 students), ensuring every child gets the attention they need to excel. Furthermore, the curriculum was crafted by experts and educators from Apple, Intel, Google, Harvard, MIT, and Code.org and uses an inquiry-based and project-based approach to ensure students understand core concepts inside and out. Recognized by industry giants like Minecraft Education, Roblox, Meta, and applauded by platforms like HulaFrog, ActivityHero, and SMASH, Create & Learn's coding classes come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so parents can be confident in the transformative educational experience their child will receive. Start with a free coding class or a popular beginner-friendly Scratch class today.

2. Harvard Online Programming Courses

  • Best for: Beginner to advanced adults
  • Format: Recorded videos, expert led
  • Price: A la carte per class, $199 for a three-weeks long course

Why not learn from one of the most prestigious names in education? Harvard's online coding school offers top-tier courses that blend rich tradition with cutting-edge techniques, and over 1 million students have registered across their CS classes. From a beginner-friendly introduction to Scratch to the much most advanced AP Computer Science Principles, you'll find 18 courses that can help you develop a new passion. Instructors are Harvard Professors, and while classes are only available to start during specific time periods, they are self-paced so you can watch videos and complete assignments at your own speed. Begin with a gentle introduction to programming with the Scratch class.

3. Codecademy

  • Best for: Beginner to advanced adults
  • Format: Recorded videos, interactive code editor
  • Price: Three subscription pricing tiers: Free, $17.49/month, $29.99/month

Picture this: an online school that doesn’t just give you the 'how-to's but actually lets you get your hands dirty with real-world coding challenges. Codecademy has built a stellar reputation for its interactive, user-friendly platform, making it a top pick for countless learners: over 24 million users have completed over 100 million exercises. Codecademy teaches 12 different programming languages including Python, Java, Go, JavaScript, Ruby, SQL, C++, C#, and Swift, as well as markup languages HTML and CSS. The site also offers personalized learning plans, quizzes, and realistic projects. Whether you're just starting off or aiming to brush up on advanced concepts, Codecademy’s diverse courses have got you covered. Plus, the hands-on projects ensure you're not just memorizing; you're applying and mastering! Get started with a Python class.

4. MIT xPRO Professional Certificate in Coding

  • Best for: Adults looking to switch careers
  • Format: Recorded videos, live sessions
  • Price: $8,075 for a 16 week full-time course to earn a certificate

The MIT xPRO Professional Certificate in Coding is an immersive full stack coding program offering personalized feedback, live weekly office hours with course leaders, and the opportunity to develop a GitHub portfolio for potential employers. The program combines exclusive content from MIT’s world-renowned faculty with tailored support and hands-on learning activities. It's a four-month program (35-40 hours per week) with recorded faculty video lectures, allowing you to watch on your own schedule, designed to prepare you with the skills you will need to start your career in web and application development. It is organized into three main sections using the MERN stack: web development, front-end development/React, and back-end development. Each section builds on the next and is designed to prepare you to enter the job market as an entry-level full stack developer or to specialize in one of these areas with further skill development. More than 300,000 learners have chosen to advance their skills with Emeritus, and 90 percent of the respondents of a recent survey said that their learning outcomes were met or exceeded. Learn more and enroll here.

5. Cornell Web Design and Development Certification Program

  • Best for: Adults interested in UX and web design
  • Format: Recorded videos, live feedback sessions
  • Price: $3,750 for a two week class (three month program)

This is your chance to earn a Web Design and Development Certificate from Cornell Ann S. Bowers College of Computing and Information Science from the comfort of home, while learning from Cornell Professors. This front-end web development certificate is all about designing and building websites that are focused on the needs of users, striking a balance between form and function. From the very beginning, you will explore the ideas of mental models and target audience personas. By taking a design-first, code-second approach, you will learn to structure content and make informed design decisions based on the needs of potential website visitors before writing a single line of code. Foundational concepts of writing valid HTML and CSS are paired with accessibility best practices to ensure you can implement your designs effectively and accurately. Through an introduction to JavaScript, jQuery, and data collection, you will explore adding simple interactivity and forms to your websites. Learn how to meet the needs of your target audiences while designing web experiences that are attractive, functional, and accessible! Learn more and enroll here.

6. General Assembly

  • Best for: Adults interested in a career
  • Format: Recorded videos, live sessions
  • Price: $16,450 for a twelve week class

General Assembly offers full-time and part-time immersive bootcamps to conquer software engineering, taught by experienced professionals from Walmart Labs, PayScale, Salesforce, and more. Enjoy 12 weeks of video coding instruction, one-on-one career coaching, and connections to top employers to get you hired. The online school provides a combination of live and video instruction that allows software engineering students to move through coding content at their own pace within daily sessions — plus the flexibility and access to just-in-time support and enhanced communication with instructors and fellow software engineer students. Choose from software engineering, user experience design, data science, and more. Ther are also short courses in computer science subjects such as JavaScript. With 12K+ hires, they’ve placed more grads in high-growth, high-pay tech careers than any other coding bootcamp. For students who graduated in 2020 — the peak of the pandemic — 74.4% of those who participated in their full-time Career Services program landed jobs within six months of graduation. Check out the Software Engineering bootcamp.

7. Treehouse

  • Best for: Beginner to intermediate adults
  • Format: Recorded videos
  • Price: $25/month

Find all the instructions you need to get an entry-level job in tech, even if you’ve never coded, with Treehouse. Treehouse focuses exclusively on topics, languages, and technologies that are used within high-salary technology roles: JavaScript, Python, HTML, CSS, PHP, and Ruby. All of their video courses have quizzes and code challenges to keep you engaged—because the best way to learn is by practicing. And their program is easy to follow because each of their Tracks is a mini-program designed to teach you a particular set of skills. Treehouse Techdegree students can often complete their degree for less than $2,000, doing so on their own time and according to their schedule. Students seeking an even more affordable solution can subscribe to their $25/month Courses plan, gaining access to thousands of hours of valuable learning content. Today Treehouse has taught over 1.2 million people how to code and design. Start a free trial of courses here.

Join The Best Online Coding Schools

Whether you're an adult looking to upskill or a curious youngster, diving into the world of coding opens up a universe of opportunities. Coding isn't just about interacting with machines; it's a language of problem-solving, creativity, and innovation. In today's digital era, understanding this language is as crucial as reading or writing. These online coding schools are the front-runners in this educational revolution, offering flexibility, personalized learning, an opportunity to learn fro leading experts worldwide, and a treasure trove of resources right at your fingertips. Begin coding today with a live online Scratch or Python class.