There are so many cool STEM activities you can organize for your child to stay mentally stimulated by themselves no matter the time of day! With that in mind, we’ve come up with a list of fun things for kids to do after school by themselves and fun after-school activities.

Discover Fun After-School Activities You Can Do By Yourself For Kids And Teens

Enrichment activities help children learn and grow outside of the structure of classes and homework. These pastimes give students the chance to make, build, and learn without the pressure of exams and grades. Examples of amazing after-school hobbies include casual and organized sports, AI clubs, coding lessons, museum visits, music lessons, and book clubs.

1. DIY engineering

Designed by the Gelfand Center, the Bridge Building Challenge challenges students with engineering a functional, load-bearing bridge. Use a range of materials – spaghetti noodles, popsicle sticks, twigs, LEGO, toothpicks, gumdrops, etc. and challenge kids to discover which materials and designs bear the most weight. Remember to document and photograph your build before testing, since they might fall apart as you increase the load. Remember also that if you use marshmallows or gumdrops, try not to eat your building materials!

2. Game building club class

This is a fun way for your child to make a new game every week while building their coding skills. Make a new project each week from a spinning dart game to a soccer pong game and much more. Join along in this live online club series as an expert guides a small group of students through a different project from start to finish in a 50-minute session each week. There's always an expert on hand to answer any questions live over video, so your student can figure things out without getting stuck.

3. Cloud in a jar

The Gift of Curiosity website teaches about water cycles using this super simple project to study condensation, evaporation, and states of matter. Fill a glass jar with hot water. Swirl it around to heat the glass. Then cover the top of the jar and place several ice cubes on top of the lid, and let it alone for about twenty seconds. Then take off the cover and spray hairspray into the jar. When you replace the lid, watch the clouds form!

4. Fibonacci numbers

Fibonacci numbers, otherwise known as fractals, are mathematical patterns of self-similarity found often in natural phenomena like the branching of leaves, veins, flowers, and rivers, as well as in swirling patterns such as hurricanes and cyclones. They are fascinating to observe! While not normally taught in lower grades, even elementary school-aged children can understand them through observation. Counting the number of spirals in the yellow center of a daisy, for example, or the spirals in a pinecone are good ways to explain them. Mensa for Kids has more ideas.

5. Oil spill cleanup

This activity teaches how oil spills impact the environment and how chemical and environmental engineers play a role. Use trays filled with a few inches of water, feathers, straws, cotton balls and sponges. Add some oil. Students can devise strategies to get oil off a feather and other “wildlife” in their “ocean.” Read more in this post by the Coalition for Science After School.

6. Start a garden

Gardening is a great way to learn about food, nutrition, soil, and weather. Children can easily learn about planting times, watering schedules, and saving seeds, while also gaining greater autonomy and outdoor time, as well as contributing to the family with meaningful work, something that gives confidence and a sense of accomplishment. The patience required for gardening is a skill in itself that teaches delaying gratification. There’s something for everyone: grow flowers, herbs, or vegetables. There’s nothing like fresh strawberries or tomatoes straight from the summer garden! If you have the space, consider making a small plot in the yard and start with something simple like marigolds, radishes, and tomatoes. Even kids living in high-rise apartments or a low-light area can grow certain plants in containers on a balcony.

7. Beginner-friendly coding class

Scratch Ninja teaches children the fundamentals of coding such as loops, conditionals, functions, and variables. Using inquiry-based learning, instructors guide students through the creation, design, and testing programs in this beginner friendly class. Children can design their own games and animations, while mastering problem solving skills in this exciting program designed by pros from Google and Stanford. You can even take the first session for free!


Discover the wonder of deep space with fun weekly projects. From Mars and the moon, to black holes and aliens, space enraptures kids and adults alike. Stargazing is a source of powerful dreams. In this series of live online sessions, your kids will learn a wide range of topics related to astrophysics, NASA, and engineering. In each session, they will learn new facts about outer space, build small projects, and play games to reinforce the lessons.

9. Canva for kids

Does your child love art, painting, and drawing? This Canva class empowers students to create beautiful digital cards, posters, slides or videos for their school projects using Canva - a powerful graphic design platform with a user-friendly interface.

10. Book club for kids

This podcast is aimed at kids that love reading. Through a variety of activities and interesting people within the podcast, kids can learn about the elements of storytelling while developing critical reading and analytical skills. With more than 100 free episodes there’s something for all book-loving children and families to enjoy!

11. Digital art club for beginners

In this online art club, kids learn how to create a different art project in each session. For example, they might learn the architectural design of medieval castles and design their own, or even create their own character and comic. In each of these hands-on activities, students are guided through understanding artistic elements in life such as patterns and symmetry, exploring emotions and feelings, and learning about art basics such as color palettes.

12. Pixel art

Encourage your child to design pixel art on graph paper, creating characters or scenes one square at a time. Once they’re happy with their design, they can translate it into a digital format using simple coding platforms or apps, bridging the gap between art and technology. Here's a tutorial to follow.


From imaginary rainforests to electricity experiments, has plenty of resources for a rainy day. Watch an animation on thunderstorms or take a virtual field trip to the National Zoo.

14. The Kids’ Science Challenge

This website is chock full of cool after-school activities. KSC hosts a free, nationwide science competition for students in grades three to six as well as informal activities like hands-on science experiments, games, cool videos, and scavenger hunts. Or check out more fun STEM competitions.

15. NASA Kids’ Club and Space Place

NASA Kids’ Club is the perfect place for kids to have fun while learning about outer space. You can use your science and math skills to explore Mars, construct a fleet of rockets or search for NASA spinoffs in your garage. At NASA Space Place, kids build their own spacecraft, play space volcanoes or browse through a gallery of sun images to explore the galaxy and the limits of the universe.

16. National Geographic Kids

At National Geographic Kids you can vote in polls, (which is cuter: the pufferfish or the clown fish?), take part in egg-speriments, watch geographic videos, play puzzles and learn amazing facts about the cultures and customs of people around the world.

17. Learn Python programming

Python is a high-level coding language with many applications. Netflix and Google use this coding language extensively in their products and it has become an industry standard for data-science and AI projects around the world. Throughout this live online Python course, students learn the basics of Python and how it can be applied to AI. Your child can even get started with a free Python class.

18. PBS Kids

This online platform has a huge range of activities for kids after school. As a leader of informal childhood education for more than half a century, PBS has some of the most engaging and fun content around for kids of all ages. In Cyberchase, Jackie, Matt and Inez use math to protect the digital universe from evil. Don’t worry: Cyberchase has lots of math games, videos and activities to aid you in your quest. For Dr. Seuss lovers, The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! offers great Pre-K STEM games, activities and videos galore. Explore the biological world in Lifeboat to Mars with this free online game. In one simulation (Microland) you control hungry microbes. In another (Ecoland), you have to balance out the space station’s ecosystem.

19. Learn Internet safety

Learn all about computer security and how to use the internet safely in this Cybersecurity class for kids. This class covers many real-world applications, and is delivered through a combination of project and inquiry-based learning. Your child will enjoy fun videos, games, and security tools, as well as build projects of their own.

20. Learn from tech experts in events

These free computer science events offer an exciting window into the lives of tech experts from all over the world! Topics cover everything from filmmaking and Minecraft to AI. See what free events are upcoming, and register anytime. If your child can't attend the live event, you’ll receive a link to download the recording to watch at their convenience.

21. Explore artificial intelligence

This free live online AI event shows kids how to use fun, innovative AI applications. Students learn about self-driving cars and the purpose of AI in the real world, while getting involved in hands-on activities.

22. Weather Wiz Kids

At Weather Wiz Kids you will get to know meteorologist Crystal Wicker, who has designed a website explaining everything about the weather. Find fun facts, games, flashcards and photos, plus get answers to your meteorological questions.

23. Junior Robotics

Does your child like playing with LEGOs or building models or cars? In Junior Robotics, your child will be introduced to the fascinating world of robotics - helping them bring coding to life in the real world. In this live virtual class, your student will program a robot to move, draw, turn, and more, all guided by an experienced teacher. Don't worry, no physical robot is needed.

24. Minecraft modding

Chances are your child loves playing Minecraft! It’s the best-selling computer game ever, and it’s super fun. But aside from that, it is an amazing learning tool, showcased in this fun Minecraft Modding Quest class. In this online class, students can actually code their own Minecraft games. Students learn the basics of coding through solving puzzles. Once they have mastered the coding concepts, children start designing their own games.

25. Roblox game coding

Aside from Minecraft, Roblox is one of the most popular online activities with kids today! In this fun class kids will learn how to make their own games in Roblox. Along the way they'll also master important coding concepts such as if/then, loop, and variable in the context of Roblox coding, as well as how to have game elements respond to interactions from players such as clicks, movements, and more! There's also a free Roblox class if your child wants to give it a try.

Quick Setup Activities: Minimal Supplies, Maximum Fun

Finding engaging activities that don’t require extensive preparation or special materials can be a game-changer. Here we'll share quick and easy activities that you can set up in minutes for your kid, using everyday household items. These activities are perfect for keeping your child entertained, stimulated, and learning—all without any fuss.

1. Paper Airplane Design Challenge

  • What You Need: Paper, markers or crayons (optional for decoration)
  • Setup: Have your child fold different types of paper airplanes and see which design flies the farthest or the fastest. You can turn this into a friendly competition by timing flights or measuring distances. Encourage your child to decorate their planes with markers or crayons, adding an artistic touch to the activity.

2. DIY Musical Instruments

  • What You Need: Empty containers (e.g., oatmeal cans, jars), rubber bands, spoons, rice, beans
  • Setup: Transform everyday items into musical instruments. A jar filled with rice becomes a shaker, rubber bands stretched over a container turn it into a string instrument, and spoons can be used as rhythm sticks. Let your child explore different sounds and rhythms, and maybe even create their own little band!

3. Nature Scavenger Hunt

  • What You Need: A piece of paper, a pencil, a backyard or nearby park
  • Setup: Create a simple list of items for your child to find outdoors, such as a smooth rock, a red leaf, a flower, or an interesting bug. This activity encourages your child to observe their surroundings closely while getting some fresh air. If you’re short on time, this can be a great activity to set up quickly before sending them outside to explore.

Creative After-School Challenges: Sparking Imagination and Problem Solving

Encouraging your child to think outside the box and come up with unique solutions is a fantastic way to foster independence and creativity. So discover some creative challenges that spark imagination and promote critical thinking. These open-ended tasks allow kids to explore their ideas freely, building confidence in their problem-solving abilities.

1. Design Your Own Board Game

  • Challenge: Task your child with creating their own board game from scratch. They can design the game board, invent rules, and even make game pieces using materials like cardboard, markers, and coins or buttons.
  • Why It’s Great: This challenge encourages strategic thinking, planning, and creativity. Your child will need to consider how the game will work, what the objectives are, and how to make it fun for others to play.

2. Invent a New Superhero with a Backstory

  • Challenge: Have your child create an original superhero, complete with superpowers, a unique costume, and a detailed backstory. They can draw their superhero, write a short story about their adventures, or even act out a scene.
  • Why It’s Great: This activity taps into your child’s imagination and storytelling skills. It’s an excellent way for them to express themselves creatively while developing narrative skills and thinking about character development.

3. Build a Model City from Recycled Materials

  • Challenge: Encourage your child to gather recycled materials like cardboard boxes, plastic bottles, and paper tubes to build a model city. They can design buildings, parks, roads, and more, creating a miniature world of their own.
  • Why It’s Great: This challenge promotes environmental awareness by using recycled materials, while also encouraging problem-solving as they figure out how to construct their city. It’s a hands-on activity that blends creativity with engineering skills.

Enjoy After-School Activities You Can Do By Yourself

As you can see, there are tons of options out there for fun after-school activities that kids can do by themselves. Whether or not they have tried coding before, many kids will be surprised and excited to design and execute their own programs while experimenting with important STEM concepts. These activities care sure to make your child's after-school time both fun and educational. Up next, check out some creative STEM spring activities and indoor activities for kids. Your child might also enjoy free coding classes. They can even earn a certificate!

Written by Bryan Gordon, a Create & Learn instructor. After ten years of working as an English teacher, Bryan began studying Math and Computer Science over the past few years. Aside from writing and teaching, he likes cooking, gardening, playing guitar, and hanging out with his cats, Baguette and Wally.