Looking for AP computer science tutoring? Get set up with an engaging expert instructor today, and crush your goals!

As you may know, the College Board offers two AP Computer Science courses for students who are interested in learning about computer science and programming. The AP Computer Science Principles (AP CSP) course is designed to introduce students to fundamental computer science and programming concepts, and the AP CSP Exam consists of a performance assessment and an end-of-year multiple-choice exam. The AP Computer Science A (AP CSA) course is designed to introduce students to the Java programming language and object-oriented programming design and development, and the AP CSA Exam consists of an end-of-year exam with multiple-choice and free response questions.

Succeed With AP Computer Science Tutoring

Create & Learn provides an exceptional live online tutoring service focusing on AP Computer Science for students of any age. Create & Learn's tutors are all experienced teaching professionals in AP Computer Science A and AP Computer Science Principles curricula, ensuring that your child receives high-quality instruction from highly-trained experts, no matter where you live.

One of the main advantages of Create & Learn's program is its emphasis on content customized to each student's needs: whether your student wants help preparing for an exam, getting ahead in an area of study, or catching up on concepts they haven't quite grasped yet, tutors will design the specific class content your child needs to succeed. There's also a focus on inquiry-based learning, which helps students stay positively engaged and excited about learning.

Learn From AP Computer Science Tutors

AP Computer Science tutors with Create & Learn are based in the US, pass safety screenings, provide certifications and related experience, and must be in high-standing after teaching our small-group classes in related subjects, using our curriculum designed by professionals from Google, Stanford, and MIT.

One of our tutors is the Lead Curriculum Developer at Code.org for APCSA: Jamila Cocchiola. Jamila developed software and apps before deciding to become a teacher to help students see the importance, benefits, and fun of computer science. Having worked with Jamila extensively, we know she is not only an expert on teaching Java, but also very much aligned with us on principles of creativity, project based learning, and making real world connections in CS learning.

Private tutoring is available for $240/month. And your tutor will meet with your student once per week for 60 minute sessions. There is also a satisfaction guarantee so you can be confident in your decision. Learn more and enroll here.

How Online AP Computer Science Tutoring Works

You decide when you want your child to do tutoring sessions and how often. Select from a variety of dates and times when you enroll. You can also easily reschedule your sessions as needed right from within your account (with 72 hours of notice).

Your teacher will customize their session content based on their learning requests. Each tutoring session is conducted live online one-on-one. Just click on the Zoom link to enter the meeting from within your Create & Learn account or via the email confirmation that will be sent to you after you register. Students can select to work on challenging areas, get help with homework, and receive guidance on AP exam preparation, including practicing past exam questions.

Need to switch to a different subject with a different tutor? No problem. Easily renew monthly and cancel at any time.

We're committed to offering the best tutoring experience for you. Get in touch any time with any requests you might have. We will help you find the best fit for your student's unique learning goals.

Explore Online AP Computer Science Classes

Another option is award-winning live online AP CS classes where your student can learn in a small group setting (5 students max) from a live expert instructor.

1. Computer Science Principles Class

Explore a wide range of important fundamental topics in computer science such as binary, encryption, networking, and more. This class is also a great step for learning more about the system and architectural aspects of computers. Developed by expert AP computer science educators, the class also meets the requirements for the APCSP exam as defined by the College Board. There is even an option to sign up for Test Prep sessions.

Common AP Computer Science P Topics

Your student's tutoring can cover a broad spectrum of fundamental computer science topics including: Data and Binary - Compression and Data Types - Big Data and Crowdsourcing - Data Types and Programming - Control Structures and Procedures - Algorithms and Efficiency - Networking and Internet - Managing Computer Resources - Online Information and Data - Simulations and Computing Bias. All of these are important foundational knowledge for any students who are interested in computer science. 

2. Intro to Java Programming (AP CSA Aligned) Class

This rigorous Java class introduces students to software engineering and object-oriented programming and design using the Java programming language. This curriculum covers a broad range of topics, including the design of solutions to problems, the use of data structures to organize large sets of data, the development and implementation of algorithms to process data and discover new information, the analysis of potential solutions, and the ethical and social implications of computing systems. The class will also thoroughly prepare students for the AP CSA exams offered by the College Board.

Common AP Computer Science A Topics

Your student's tutoring can cover a broad spectrum of object-oriented programming and design using the Java programming language topics including: Object-Oriented Programming - Learn fundamental Java concepts, discover their identity as software engineers, and use debugging strategies and code reviews to improve their programming skills. Class Structure and Design - Students develop an understanding of data encapsulation and object-oriented design decisions. Arrays and Algorithms - Students use one-dimensional (1D) arrays to store lists of primitive values and object references. Conditions and Logic - Students improve decision-making in their programs using relational and logical operators to evaluate primitive values and object references and use the Math class to perform calculations and generate random numbers.

Prepare With AP Computer Science Tutors

AP Computer Science covers great topics to master regardless of whether you plan to take the APCSP exam or not. While classroom learning provides a solid foundation, live online tutoring offers a personalized touch, zeroing in on individual struggles and curiosities. With a tutor, learning can be tailored, focused, and paced according to a student's unique needs. This one-on-one attention can make complex topics more accessible and transform a daunting subject into a fascinating journey. In the realm of AP Computer Science, where every detail matters, the benefits of tutoring cannot be overstated. If you're looking to elevate your understanding and boost your exam confidence, tapping into the expertise of a seasoned tutor could be your golden ticket! Get started with an AP Computer Science tutor today: AP CSP and AP CSA.

Learn how to chose the right AP Computer Science course here. And find out more about AP CSA and AP CSP, including how to prepare with our recorded video session led by Jamila:

Explore more computer science tutors.