Curious to know more about C++ for kids? Learning C++ is a smart investment in your child's future, offering a strong foundation in programming and unlocking opportunities in exciting fields like game development and robotics. So today, we'll explore why C++ is important for students, its real-world applications, and the best ways to learn it. There's even a live online class that can make C++ both fun and accessible for your child!

How To Learn C++ For Kids

The C++ Essentials for Teens course by award-winning computer science education platform Create & Learn is an excellent way for kids to learn C++. Designed for students in grades 6-12 by professionals from Google, Stanford, and MIT, this live online class, led by an expert, offers a small group setting with personalized guidance. It builds on prior Python knowledge and covers core C++ elements, data structures, and object-oriented programming through project-based learning. Students also take their first steps in algorithms, the essential components of all large scale computer systems in the real world, such as sort and search. Each class session is 70 minutes long (and each class part has 5 sessions), ensuring comprehensive coverage of topics with plenty of interaction. Students will gain hands-on experience by building fun projects, setting the stage for future programming success.

In Part 1, students learn C++'s core language elements. Students start by learning about variables and data types, essential for storing and manipulating information. Next, they delve into loops and conditionals, which enable efficient and logical control flow in programs. Then, they explore functions, the building blocks for structuring and organizing code. Additionally, students will learn about arrays and vectors, powerful tools for handling collections of data. By the end of this part, students will have a solid grasp of fundamental C++ concepts, setting the stage for more advanced topics.

In Part 2, students dive into more advanced topics, starting with essential data structures like linked lists. Additionally, students will get an introduction to fundamental search and sort algorithms, which are key to efficient data processing. They will also discover high level tree and graph concepts as well as their broad applications. And enjoy an introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), a crucial paradigm in C++ that helps organize and manage complex code through classes and objects.

Why Learn C++ For Kids?

Learning C++ can be a transformative experience for students, offering a range of benefits that extend beyond the classroom. Here's why it’s a great idea for your student to dive into C++:

Real-World Applications

C++ is widely used in system and software development, as well as game development. This means that learning C++ equips students with the skills to work on real-world applications that power our everyday technology, from operating systems to high-performance games.

Key Characteristics

C++ is known for its performance and control over system resources. It is a compiled, object-oriented language that allows developers to write efficient and optimized code. This gives students a deep understanding of how software interacts with hardware, an essential skill in many tech careers.

Why Learn in High School

Starting to learn C++ in high school prepares students for advanced computer science studies and careers. It helps them understand low-level operations and performance optimization, providing a solid foundation for any future programming endeavors. This early start can make college-level courses more approachable and open doors to internships and projects.

Ease of Learning

While C++ has a more complex syntax and requires managing memory manually, this challenge can be a positive aspect. It teaches students valuable problem-solving skills and attention to detail. Although it's not the easiest language to learn, the skills acquired are highly transferable and beneficial for mastering other programming languages.


C++ is a high-performance language, allowing for efficient, close-to-hardware programming. This makes it ideal for developing applications where speed and resource management are critical, such as video games and real-time simulations.

Community Support

The C++ community is strong and active, providing extensive resources for learners. From online forums to comprehensive documentation and tutorials, students can find the help they need to overcome challenges and advance their skills.

Libraries and Frameworks

C++ offers a rich set of libraries and frameworks, such as the Standard Template Library (STL), Boost, and Qt. These tools enhance productivity and allow students to create complex applications more efficiently, giving them hands-on experience with industry-standard technologies.

Career Opportunities

There is a high demand for C++ programmers in fields like game development and system programming. According to the TIOBE index, C++ lies at the 3rd position in the world’s most popular language. Learning C++ opens up numerous career opportunities, giving students a competitive edge in the job market. It’s a valuable skill that can lead to exciting and lucrative career paths.

Development Speed

While C++ requires careful planning and optimization, this practice fosters disciplined coding habits. Students learn to think critically about their code, leading to more efficient and effective programming.

Cross-Platform Capabilities

C++ supports cross-platform development, meaning students can create applications that run on various operating systems with the proper setup. This flexibility is crucial in today’s diverse technological landscape.

Memory Management

Manual memory management in C++ teaches students how memory works, an essential concept for advanced programming. Understanding memory allocation and deallocation can significantly enhance their coding proficiency.

Concurrency Support

C++ has advanced concurrency features, allowing students to write programs that perform multiple tasks simultaneously. This is particularly important for developing high-performance applications that require multitasking.

Use in Industry

C++ is widely used in high-performance applications across various industries. Learning C++ provides students with a skill that is highly valued by employers, increasing their job prospects and potential for success in the tech industry.

By learning C++, students gain a comprehensive understanding of programming principles, practical skills for real-world applications, and a competitive advantage in the job market. It’s a challenging but rewarding journey that can set the stage for a successful career in technology.

Chart comparing Python, Java, C++, Javascript for teens

How Is C++ Used?

Let's dive into a few specific ways C++ is used. This powerful, high-performance programming language is used to create a variety of exciting and interesting applications that can capture the imagination of kids - from video games and animation software, to robotics, VR/AR applications, and scientific simulations.

1. Video Games

C++ is a powerhouse in the video game industry. Many popular games and game engines are built using C++. For example:

  • Minecraft: A game that allows players to build and explore virtual worlds made of blocks.
  • Unreal Engine: A game engine used to create many high-profile games, such as Fortnite, where players engage in battle royale gameplay.

2. Animation and Graphics Software

C++ is widely used in animation and graphics software, which is behind many of the movies and animated shows kids enjoy. Examples include:

  • Blender: An open-source 3D creation suite used for making animations, visual effects, art, 3D printed models, and more.
  • Adobe Systems: Many Adobe products like Photoshop and After Effects utilize C++ for their graphics processing capabilities.

3. Robotics and Hardware Control

C++ is commonly used in robotics for programming the control systems of robots. This includes:

  • Arduino: A popular platform used for building electronics projects. The Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) uses C++ to program the microcontrollers.
  • FIRST Robotics: Many teams use C++ to program their robots for competitions, allowing kids to bring their creations to life.

4. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

C++ is used in developing VR and AR applications, which are becoming increasingly popular. Examples include:

  • Oculus Rift: Many applications and games for VR headsets like Oculus Rift are developed using C++.
  • Microsoft HoloLens: AR applications for devices like the HoloLens often use C++ for their development.

5. Simulations and Scientific Computing

C++ is used for creating simulations and scientific computing applications. For example:

  • NASA Simulations: NASA uses C++ to develop simulations for space missions and research.
  • Physics Simulators: Software like Box2D, used in many physics-based games and simulations, is written in C++.

Begin Learning C++ For Kids

Empower your student to learn C++ today! Because C++ is used in software development, game development, systems programming, and more, it can open up exciting career opportunities for children. Beyond that, it provides a solid foundation in programming and computational thinking. By learning C++, tweens and teens develop critical problem-solving skills and a deep understanding of how software interacts with hardware. Engaging courses offer hands-on projects and expert instruction, making it easier and more fun to master this powerful language! So join our C++ Essentials for Teens class.

Learn more about coding for high school students.