Deciding which colleges your student would like to apply to can seem like a daunting challenge. In order to make an informed decision, it’s a great idea to get on college mailing lists so that you can receive regular information and decide if colleges are a good fit for you. In this guide, we will discuss five tips to get on college email and mailing lists, and will also discuss how you can keep all this information organized!
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Discover the best ways to get on college email and info mailing lists
Colleges provide information both by mail and by email - in many instances, all you need to do is sign up! Below, we discuss five creative tips to get college information emails and college information packets by mail.
1. Sign Up On the College’s Website
In many cases, the simplest way to get on a college’s mailing list is to sign up directly on their website. Run a Google search for “(college name) mailing list” and look for a result similar to “join our mailing list” or “request for information.” Make sure that the website is associated with the college you are interested in; then, enter your information, and you should be all set! The college will send regular email and mail updates to teach you about the school and inform you on their application process.
2. Social Media
In today’s day and age, the vast majority of colleges have actively run social media accounts which can be a great way to stay updated on the school and learn more about it. In addition, during the application season, colleges will commonly post updates associated with the application process, which are very helpful to stay on top of.
3. Utilize College Board’s Student Search Service
College Board is one of the most recognizable names in the college application space, and they run a helpful service for students interested in learning more about colleges. With the Student Search Service, interested students can complete a survey to identify their college interests. If a college matches a student’s interests, they will reach out directly with additional information. This service also provides regular updates on financial aid processes and scholarship opportunities.
4. Sign Up When Taking Standardized Tests
When registering for the PSAT, SAT, and other standardized tests associated with the college application process, there will oftentimes be a question asking if you would like to be contacted by colleges. Be on the lookout for these types of questions the next time you register for a standardized exam - if you opt in, you will receive email and mail updates from colleges with additional information.
5. College Fairs
A great way to learn more about colleges in your area is a college fair. During these events, representatives from numerous colleges will attend and provide information (and sometimes free handouts!) on their schools. These events can be a great way to learn more about many schools at once. In addition, if you’re interested in a school at the fair, they will almost certainly have a sign-up list for you to opt in to receiving additional information. To find a college fair, Google “college fairs near me,” or consult the College Fair Guide.
How to keep your college mail organized and what to do with your college mail
When signing up for college mail, it can be easy to quickly become overwhelmed with the amount of resources you are receiving. Follow these tips to stay organized:
- For physical mail you will be receiving, utilize some type of organization system (an expanding file folder works great!) where you can store all information from each school.
- For emails, it can be a great idea to create a “college information” folder where you can move all school-related emails. If you’re looking for even more organization, you can consider creating a folder for each school that is sending you information.
- Keep a list of all the schools that you have requested information from and their associated websites. That way, when you’ve made your college decision and no longer need additional information, you can quickly and easily navigate to the websites and withdraw your contact details.
- As you are receiving all of your college communications, you will need a way to synthesize the information. A spreadsheet can work great for this - include fields such as “location,” “annual cost,” “acceptance rate,” and other criteria important to you. As you receive information from various colleges, fill in the fields for each school. This will make it easy to compare colleges and decide which ones are the best fit for you.
Get on college mailing lists and find your dream school
Deciding which colleges you would like to apply to (and ultimately attend!) can seem like a scary process. However, with an organized approach, it can be easy to find college information and make an informed decision. By following the tips above, you should be well-equipped with all the information you need to narrow down your college search.
If you’d like to read more to help you prepare for your college search, check out which AP classes high school students can take. If you’re looking to learn, check out our AP Computer Science Class if you have coding experience, or Advanced Scratch if you’re a beginner coder.
Thanks for reading, and best of luck with your college search!
Written by Matt Schofield, an educator and avid coder. After studying Spanish at the University of Pennsylvania, Matt began teaching English as a second language to elementary students in Baltimore. In addition to his full-time teaching position, Matt enjoys teaching computer science in the evenings and weekends with Create & Learn.