New York City coding camps equip kids and teens to dive into a world where dreams meet reality, and where coding isn't just a skill – it's a superpower waiting to be unleashed. From the soaring skyscrapers of Manhattan to the vibrant neighborhoods of Brooklyn, summer coding camps in New York offer a diverse array of experiences, ranging from immersive in-person programs to dynamic online platforms. In these camps, children not only learn the fundamentals of coding, but also explore its real-world applications, envisioning how their newfound skills could power the industries that define the city's identity. Whether it's devising cutting-edge software for Broadway productions, optimizing transportation systems, or revolutionizing financial markets, coding is everywhere in New York.

Find the Best New York Summer Coding Camp for Your Student

Looking for the hottest summer coding camps for your tech whiz in New York City? Discover top picks - for students ages 3 and up - that blend fun, learning, and innovation, making this summer they'll never forget.

1. Create & Learn's Coding Camps

Online, Designed by MIT and Google professionals, Comprehensive Curriculum

Create & Learn's summer coding camps offer a unique and engaging opportunity for kids to dive into the world of technology and innovation. Designed with young learners in mind (ages 5-18) by professionals from Google, Stanford, and MIT, these camps cover a wide range of topics from basic programming and robotics to more advanced courses in artificial intelligence and game development - all using real-world applications. Taught by experienced instructors passionate about STEM education, the camps provide a supportive and fun environment for kids to explore their interests, develop critical thinking skills, and unleash their creativity through hands-on projects. Participants leave these online camps that run for 3-5 days, with a deeper understanding of how technology works and the confidence to continue exploring the digital world. Most students begin learning coding with Scratch camps: Scratch Junior (K-2); Scratch Ninja (2-6); Accelerated Scratch (6-9). Enjoy a free session to get started!

2. The Coding Space

In-person, Multiple programs, Scholarships available

Location: 201 E 83rd St New York NY, 10028 and more

At The Coding Space, summer means diving into the world of coding for kids aged 8 to 17! The Camp Coding Space offers immersive coding camp experiences blending coding projects, STEM exploration, team-building, and exciting field trips for ages 8-13, held in the vibrant locales of NYC's Upper East Side and Park Slope, Brooklyn. For teens aged 13-17, The Coding Space Academy provides a rigorous two-week coding intensive, preparing them for the professional and collegiate world of computer science. Younger learners aged 6-13 can join the Summer Coding Classes, offering flexible options with both in-person and online sessions, featuring project-based education and small student-to-teacher ratios. The Coding Space isn't your typical coding camp - it's focused on creating a safe, inclusive environment where kids can have fun, be challenged, and discover their passions. With scholarships available, The Coding Space is committed to making coding education accessible to all.

3. iDTech Summer Coding Camps

In-person, Prestigious, Tech-focused Campus

Location: 70 Washington Square South Manhattan, NY 10012

Discover the excitement of STEM education at iD Tech's New York City coding camps, nestled within the iconic NYU campus at Washington Square! Catering to ages 7-17, these day camps offer an enriching blend of skill development and summer enjoyment, all against the backdrop of collegiate life. Led by expert instructors recruited from prestigious universities, campers delve into coding, game development, robotics, and AI in state-of-the-art labs adorned with tech and pop culture icons. From themed dress-up days to outdoor activities in Washington Square Park, each session promises a vibrant mix of hands-on learning and campus exploration. For teens aged 13-18, the two-week Academy program delivers intensive instruction, peer collaboration, and networking opportunities with industry professionals, providing a deeper dive into coding, AI, or game development. With a focus on inspiration and innovation, iD Tech's New York City coding camps offer an unforgettable summer experience where young minds can thrive.

4. NORY Summer Camps

In-person, Age 3+, Founded at Columbia University

Location: 556 West 22nd Street, New York, NY 10011 and more

Delve into summer excitement with NORY camps at 10 convenient locations throughout bustling New York City! Their programs offer a dynamic mix of hands-on learning, outdoor adventures, and creative exploration tailored for children aged 3-12. From engaging STEM activities and coding challenges to sports, arts, and outdoor play, NORY camps provide a well-rounded experience that ignites curiosity and nurtures development. Each week, their NORY Masters (8-12 y.o.) will spend 1-2 hours each day exploring new, programmable robots and actually coding different behaviors to accomplish specific goals and challenges. With a strong emphasis on social-emotional learning and personalized attention, NORY's experienced instructors cultivate a supportive environment where each child can flourish. Whether it's constructing robots, crafting art projects, or enjoying outdoor sports, NORY camps promise a summer brimming with fun, friendships, and boundless opportunities.

5. Lavner Coding Camps

In-person, Prestigious setting, Diverse curriculum

Location: 60 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012

Embark on an exhilarating coding adventure with Lavner Camps in the heart of Manhattan, NYC, at the prestigious NYU campus! Lavner offers an array of cutting-edge coding camps for kids ages 6-14, providing a dynamic and immersive learning experience. From beginner-friendly courses to advanced workshops, Lavner's expert instructors guide campers through the exciting world of coding, robotics, and game design. With small class sizes and personalized instruction, campers receive the attention and support they need to thrive. Lavner's innovative curriculum is designed to inspire creativity, foster critical thinking skills, and ignite a passion for technology. Whether your child dreams of creating their own video game, building a robot, or developing a mobile app, Lavner coding camps offer the perfect opportunity to explore, learn, and innovate. Join Lavner this summer and watch your child's coding skills soar to new heights!

6. Robofun

In-person, Supportive, Robotics

Location: 110 West End Ave, Ground Floor, New York, NY 10023

Discover the world of robotics and technology with Robofun camps in New York City! Robofun offers engaging and interactive camps for children ages 3-12, providing hands-on experiences with coding, robotics, and STEM activities. With a focus on creativity and exploration, Robofun camps empower young learners to develop critical thinking skills while having fun. From building and programming robots to creating digital art and animations, campers embark on exciting projects that ignite their imagination and spark curiosity. Robofun uses an advanced Lego robotics system called Spike to teach 1st-2nd graders about lego robotics. Spike combines colorful Lego building, computer hardware with an effective drag and drop coding language based on Scratch to engage students through playful learning activities to solve complex problems and think critically, whatever level they might be at. They offer full-day and half-day camps, and each includes robotics, coding, and outdoor activities.

7. Dazzling Discoveries

In-person, 3D printing, STEM education

Location: 971 Columbus Ave, New York, NY 10025

Dazzling Discoveries STEM Camp provides a uniquely creative and thoughtful approach to hands-on learning. Students ages 5-10 will enjoy the Science & Engineering camp. Explore 3D printing, engineering and science through creative hands-on projects. Make color changing potions and safe explosions,  build bridges and other structures, examine animals as engineers, design games and interactive sculptures and much much more. While student ages 11-15 can enjoy the Digital Design & Creativity camp. Combine electronics, digital tools and everyday supplies to create hands on projects in their Teen Camp. Learn to use design software, then use our laser cutter or 3D printers to produce parts for your project. Work with basic materials too, including cardboard, wood and acrylic. Robotics and game design are also available. Camps can be purchased per day, or in 5-day bundles - and kids should bring their own lunch.

Tips for Choosing the Best New York Coding Camp

Here are five tips to consider when choosing a coding camp for your child:

  1. Assess Your Child's Interests and Skill Level: Take into account your child's interests, whether they're fascinated by game development, robotics, or web design. Also, consider their current skill level in coding. Some camps cater to beginners, while others offer more advanced programs.
  2. Research Camp Curriculum and Teaching Approach: Look into the camp's curriculum and teaching methods. Does it focus on project-based learning and inquiry-based instruction? Is there a good balance between theory and hands-on activities? Ensure the camp's approach aligns with your child's learning style and goals.
  3. Check Instructor Qualifications and Experience: Investigate the qualifications and experience of the camp instructors. Are they knowledgeable in coding and experienced in working with children? Qualified instructors can make a significant difference in your child's learning experience.
  4. Consider Camp Location, Schedule, and Facilities: Take practical factors into consideration, such as the camp's location, schedule, and facilities. Choose a camp that is conveniently located and offers a schedule that fits your family's needs. Additionally, consider the quality of the camp's facilities and technology resources.
  5. Read Reviews and Seek Recommendations: Read reviews and testimonials from other parents and students who have attended the camp in the past. Additionally, seek recommendations from friends, family members, or educators who may have insights into reputable coding camps in your area.

Choosing the right coding camp for your child is a significant decision that can have a lasting impact on their learning journey and future opportunities. The ultimate goal is to provide your child with a stimulating and supportive environment where they can explore, learn, and grow their coding skills while having fun and building confidence. With careful consideration and thoughtful planning, you can set your child on a path towards success in the exciting world of technology!

For year-round fun, discover popular New York coding classes for kids.